Energy-efficient air purifier, save energy consumption

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Energy-efficient air purifier, save energy consumption

Energy consumption is the talk of the day. An energy-efficient air purifier is then an ideal solution. With current energy prices, you naturally want to avoid having to choose between clean air and an affordable bill. By opting for an air purifier that is energy-efficient, this succeeds. Still, many people wonder why some air purifiers are more economical than others. We will address that in this blog. We also discuss the different techniques that affect the energy consumption of an air purifier.


How does an energy-efficient air purifier work?

Most air purifiers work thanks to fine-mesh filters and fans. The fan pushes the air through the filter. Here, all kinds of pollutants are then left behind and cleaner air comes out again. As the device blows the air away, a negative pressure is created and new air flows in again. This process costs energy. Especially as the device pushes the air through the filter with some force, energy costs rise. Moreover, a trade-off between effectiveness and economy arises. After all, the finer the filters are, the more pollution they remove from the air. An energy-efficient air purifier should then obviously still be effective. At the same time, it then also takes more power to push the air through it. This increases the energy consumption of the air purifier.



Impact capacity on energy consumption air purifier

The first factor affecting the energy-efficient air purifier is, of course, its capacity. The larger the capacity is the more energy the device requires. This then mainly has to do with the larger fan needed. So if you want an energy-efficient air purifier, it is important not to put a device with a capacity for 300m2 in a small bedroom. Yet having as little capacity as possible is not always the best option either, as air purifiers are more efficient with excess capacity. After all, a device with a larger capacity than needed does not need to run at the highest setting. This makes them more economical for a given space than a smaller device that has to try very hard. Sound is also important here.


Does an AIH filter make an air purifier energy efficient?

Another method of making an energy-efficient air purifier is by using an AIH filter. AIH stands for “Active Ion HEPA“. This means that the filter uses ionisation, but before it. By giving the filter an electrical charge, it holds dirt a lot easier. This makes it possible to still be more effective at cleaning the air with fewer fine filters. Of course, this has advantages in terms of power consumption. With larger holes, the air flies through a lot easier. This saves a lot of energy. But thanks to the electrical charge, it still removes as much, or even more, air pollution.


How much will an energy-efficient air purifier save me?

All these energy-saving methods save quite a lot. For mid-range air purifiers that don’t pay much attention to their energy consumption, a consumption of 80W is quite normal. The larger lavish devices consume as much as 300W. This is in contrast to smaller, energy-efficient air purifiers that sometimes consume less than 10W (!) at their lowest setting. Since air purifiers are most effective when they are constantly on, this runs into hefty bills. With current electricity prices, a 10W device saves €600 a year compared to an 80W device. So energy savings with an air purifier will pay off handsomely.


Are ionisers economical?

Nowadays, there are also manufacturers offering air purifiers that only work with ionisation. These devices create an electric field that creates ions. These are charged particles that break down viruses and bacteria in the air. They also make particulate matter particles stick together, as it were. This increases the weight of the particles and they eventually fall down to the ground. This method eliminates the need for a rotating fan, the thinking goes. This would then reduce power consumption. An energy-efficient air purifier might then no longer need filters at all.

Yet there are considerable drawbacks to this. First, the effectiveness is less. Because the device does not create an airflow, the range is less and it takes a lot longer before the room is “cleaned”. It is also not an effective solution against most air pollution. Although fine dust does indeed sink to the ground over time due to ionisation, this is not a long-term solution. Eventually, the particulate matter particles break loose again and start floating into the air again. US research has therefore shown that ionisers by themselves have no impact on air quality. As a result, you keep a higher concentration of fine dust in the room. Still, the biggest drawback is the production of ozone. Thanks to ionisation, ozone is released. This is a harmful gas that is bad for human lungs. Therefore, use ionisation in combination with an air cleaner and ask what the manufacturer does to prevent ozone. By applying ionisation before the filter, you prevent ozone. So an energy-efficient air purifier that does work with filters is the perfect choice.


What should you pay attention to??

  • Choose enough capacity and overcapacity
  • An air purifier with AIH filter is more economical
  • Ionisers have advantages and disadvantages
  • Too much capacity is a waste.
  • Choosing an economical air cleaner will save you hundreds of euros a year.


Energy-efficient air purifier


So what is an energy efficient air purifier?

Perhaps the most energy-efficient air purifier is the EA30. With consumption starting at 4W and not exceeding 20W even in the extreme, it is incredibly energy efficient. This device is suitable for rooms up to 60m2. For most bedrooms and living rooms, it therefore has enough excess capacity to do its job energy-efficiently. It works with the unique AIH technology, which makes it more effective as well as more economical. This also makes it very quiet. Furthermore, it comes with ionisation technology before the filter. This gives you all the benefits of ionisation, breaking down viruses and bacteria for example, without the risk of ozone. This is because the filter captures any ions that are released. In this way, the ions do not come into contact with the air and have no chance of forming ozone. So you keep your air clean and your power consumption low.


Need advice or more information?

Also check our product page with all air purifiers or read more about the air purifier in our extensive advice. Do you have further questions or would you like a no-obligation consultation? Call +31 20 646 4028. Or go directly to our range of air purifiers:

Odour neutralisation, neutralising unpleasant odours

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Odour neutralisation, neutralising unpleasant odours

Bad odours are incredibly annoying. Hence, odour neutralisation is gaining popularity. After all, an unpleasant odour immediately makes us feel worse. There are various methods to remedy odour nuisance. They all work slightly differently. In this blog, we clearly explain how the different variants of an odour neutraliser work. We also cover what makes odour neutralising with a device different.


The human sense of smell

To understand how odour neutralisation works, it is important to understand how we humans smell. In our nose, there are more than 400 types of odour receptors. This enables us to distinguish between many different odours. A smell is therefore nothing more than a chemical molecule that is light enough to float in the air and to which human smell receptors bind. Some odours consist of only 1 molecule, others of a combination of several molecules. These receptors then send a signal to our brains. These then possibly recognise the smell.


Odour neutralisation


Why is odour neutralisation so difficult?

However, how people perceive smell is largely not dependent on the molecules, but also on our memories and experiences. In general, people respond more strongly to organic odours. Indeed, these odours were often related to things that affect our survival, such as mould or fresh fruit. However, specific smells are mostly related to past experiences. This also explains why different people interpret the same smell differently. Certain smells some may associate with tasty peppermint candies and others with an industrial detergent. This makes odour neutralisation tricky. After all, you want it to smell pleasant to everyone. Emotions also vary from person to person. For example, some people find detergent smelling very nice because it reminds them of spring cleaning. Others associate it with the care home and therefore dislike it. So an odour neutraliser needs to be of many types.

So the relationship between smell and memories is a lot stronger than with sight and hearing, for example. After all, when different people look at the same building, they all see the same thing! This can be explained by the place where our brain processes smells. This happens near the “emotion centre” deep in the brain. Indeed, smell is the first sense that evolved. The connections between what we smell and our emotions and memories are strong. So odour neutralisation helps to remove unpleasant emotions. In this way, a machine can remedy odour problems.


Different methods of odour neutralisation

Odour neutralisation comes in roughly two ways. With methods to mask the smell and to remove the smell. In fact, the best odour neutraliser does both. The most effective way, of course, is by simply removing the source of the odour. Yet there are plenty of situations where this does not work. A care home dealing with incontinence odours is a good example. Even in a gym dealing with body odours, it is not so easy to remove the source of them. Odour neutralisation then offers a solution. One option is then to mask the odour. Here, you then spread a different smell with the aim of neutralising the foul odour. This does not just mean that a fine odour mixes with the bad one and thus improves the overall ambience. The unpleasant smell is also actually neutralised. This is due to two effects. Firstly, the brain thus interprets combinations of fragrances. By adding a fine fragrance, you change the original combination and interpretation of the smell. In addition, some fragrances block the signals from your nose to your brain. So in this way, the foul smell is actually blocked and your brain reacts less to it.


What neutralises odour?

There are still drawbacks to masking odours. For instance, you don’t remove the smell, you only make us smell it less. With a continuous source of an unpleasant odour, this is no longer enough in the long run. Hence, more and more people choose to remedy odour nuisance with a machine. A good odour neutraliser does not mask the odour, but actually removes it. This is done through chemical reactions. The machine disperses molecules in the air that react with the unpleasant odour. This changes the odour molecule into a substance that does not smell. This way, you actually get rid of the foul odour and don’t have to worry about it coming back. Odour neutralisation at the molecular level is called this.


Odour neutralisation and diffusion?

In many cases, you want to remove a bad smell and then replace it with a pleasant aroma. This sounds contradictory, Surely if you break down odours it is not possible to also spread odours? You would think that the device would then also break down its own odours. Fortunately, with good odour neutralisation, this is indeed possible. This has to do with the molecules used to neutralise odours. This is because the pleasant aromas emitted by an odour neutraliser are made in such a way that they do not react with the neutralisation molecules. In this way, the device thus removes all foul odours from the air while simultaneously diffusing a fine fragrance. The best of both worlds, then!


So which odour neutraliser should I have?

Currently, the Superscent is one of the best odour neutralisers on the market. It has a hefty capacity of more than 550 square metres. It works by breaking down foul odours at the molecular level. It also diffuses odours of your choice through cold mist technology. In doing so, it uses a mist to bring fragrance into the room. This way, it spreads better and you do longer with the essential oil. The Superscent also has the option to effectively remedy odour nuisance caused by smoking. So it is at home in all markets! Operation via the app is easy and versatile. So you can create the perfect odour neutraliser for your situation.


Need advice or more information?

Are you done with bad odours and want to deploy odour neutralisation? Or would you like to know more about odour neutralisation? Then visit our product page or call us on +31 020 646 4028 for personal advice!

Air purifier in the kitchen, remove fine dust and cooking air

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Air purifier in the kitchen, remove fine dust and cooking air

Many people consider the kitchen one of the most important rooms in the house. After all, a freshly cooked meal is a treat! Yet not many people have an air purifier in the kitchen. This while air pollution in the kitchen is often a lot higher than in the rest of the house. In this, we find out where this pollution comes from and what an air purifier in the kitchen should comply with. We also look at whether an air purifier removes cooking odours.


Fine dust, what is it?

You hear a lot about fine dust these days. And rightly so! It causes a lot of damage to health. Yet not everyone takes the time to explain what particulate matter really is. After all, particulate matter is not visible. And after all, what we do not see, does not exist…NOT! Particulate matter consists of all kinds of different particles. The size of a particle determines whether it is fine dust. If something floats through the air and it is smaller than 10 micrometres, it is called particulate matter. This is because from this size it enters our airways and damages them. The smaller the particles are the more dangerous. The very smallest ones even enter our bloodstream! As particulate matter consists of many different constituents, it is also created in many different ways. Traffic and industry are big polluters, but natural sources such as sahara sand also contribute. Using an air purifier in the kitchen improves air quality, because cooking also produces a lot of particulate matter.


Air purifier kitchen


Why is an air purifier in the kitchen especially important?

Air pollution occurs throughout the home and across the country. Yet an air purifier is more important in the kitchen than in other places. This is because of cooking. Fine dust from cooking is created by two different methods. By burning fuels or by cooking itself. Heating ingredients at a high temperature releases very small pieces. These are then released into the air. This effect is stronger if you cook at a high temperature and if you use a lot of vegetable oils. This happens regardless of which type of hob you use. Many Dutch people also still cook on gas, which causes additional pollution. Burning this produces a lot of nitrogen oxides. These are particles that react with each other in the air to form particulate matter. This is why air pollution when cooking is as much as twice as high when cooking on gas. An air purifier in the kitchen counteracts this. The device sucks up the air and pushes it through fine-mesh filters. This is where all the pollution is left behind. It then blows the air back into the room. So no new air comes in from outside, it cleans the air that is already inside. This makes it applicable in any situation. An air purifier is also capable of removing cooking odours.


Health effects

So fine dust in the kitchen is common, but how much harm can it do? Quite a lot. In the Netherlands, air pollution, with fine dust leading the way, accounts for 6% of the total disease burden. This is more than alcohol, obesity or not eating enough fruit and vegetables. This is mainly because it damages our airways and bloodstream. As a result, people in the Netherlands live on average 13 months shorter thanks to particulate matter. The most harmful effects take place with long-term exposure. People who work in a kitchen or who cook regularly are therefore at extra increased risk. But even a short exposure is scientifically proven to be bad for your health. Since people today spend more than 90% of their time indoors, controlling air pollution there is essential. An air purifier in the kitchen helps with this, and also removes cooking odours. An extractor is also a common tip to reduce particulate matter. Yet it is not the one-size-fits-all solution.


Is an extractor better than an air purifier in the kitchen?

In the Netherlands, it is now mandatory in new houses to install an extractor in the kitchen. This is an important means of containing air pollution. An extractor extracts the air directly above the hob and discharges it to the outside. So this works differently from an air purifier. Unfortunately, it is not enough in most cases. This has to do with capacity. The Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) has researched that an extractor needs a capacity of 300 cubic metres per hour. According to the Buildings Decree, an extractor only needs to discharge 75 cubic metres per hour. Many of the houses investigated do not even reach that and get stuck at only 40 m3 per hour. So this is only one tenth of the required capacity! So turning on the extractor is not enough to contain air pollution. An air purifier in the kitchen offers solace. US researchers have investigated many different methods to reduce particulate matter levels. Extractor hoods, air cleaners and natural ventilation, among others, have been compared. Alone and in combinations. This showed that an extractor together with an air cleaner is the most effective in removing fine dust from the kitchen.


What does an air purifier do against cooking odours?

For many people, there is another reason to think about air quality in the kitchen. Removing all cooking odours. A kitchen air purifier helps with this too. The method by which it does so has to change. A normal filter does not remove odours, just like gases. After all, they just fly through the holes in the filter. This requires a different method of cleaning: A carbon filter. A carbon filter consists of activated carbon. These are very small particles of carbon that have a large surface area. As a result, they easily bind to the odours and gases flying past them. In this way, they are removed from the air. Thus, an air purifier helps against cooking odours.

  • It prevents fine dust peaks during cooking
  • There are no more nasty smells after you cook
  • It improves the health of everyone in the house
  • Good performance with low energy consumption
  • Best result in combination with your own extractor


So which air purifier should I have in my kitchen?

For normal kitchens, the EA30 is very suitable. With its high capacity, it immediately gets rid of all released fine dust. Thanks to its patented AIH filter, it is even more effective than air purifiers with a normal hepa filter and uses less power. For larger, or professional kitchens, the EA90 is then again the best choice. There is also the option to equip them with a carbon filter to get rid of all odours after cooking. With these machines, you can get back to cooking without worrying about yourself!


Need advice or more information?

Would you like to have an air purifier in your kitchen or have some more information? Then visit our product page or call us on +31 020 646 4028 for advice without obligation!

Scented fitness, a real marketing workout

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Scented fitness, a real marketing workout

Just relax from all the hassle at work and do some sport. Fitness is for many people a great release. With scenting fitness you reinforce these positive emotions and work away the negative ones. The connection between smells and emotions is very strong in the brain. This influences whether people find it a positive experience and whether they come back. In this article, we explore why exercising is such a great pleasure, yet people are so hard to motivate. In addition, we will discuss what scenting adds to your gym.


Scents in our brains, what’s different?

There are probably not many people who are as aware all day of what they smell as of what they see. Yet smells have an even greater impact on how we feel than what we see and hear. This has to do with how our brains work. Our sense of smell is the first sense that has evolved. Therefore, the part of the brain that processes smells is located deep in the brain. Close to the part that regulates emotions. Smell perception has an enormous influence on how we feel, even in the gym, without us being aware of it. This applies to positive and negative emotions. So, if you want to give people a good experience, scenting your gym is essential. If something does not evoke emotions, we remember it much less. So there is a strong triangular relationship between smells, emotions and memories.


Scenting in fitness, what is there to gain?

Scents are strongly linked to emotions and memories. Scenting in fitness is a deliberate way of binding people to your gym and keeping them coming back. Exercise releases various endocannabinoids into the brain. These are substances that make us feel happy and content. However, many people do not feel like exercising beforehand. We’d rather sit on the couch with a bag of chips watching Netflix. This has to do with our evolution. We have evolved to be economical with our energy and not to exercise for pleasure. As hunter-gatherers, we got enough exercise anyway! This is why our bodies encourage us to be lazy when we don’t have to.


Do scents help with motivation?

Nowadays people move a lot less. So people have to motivate themselves against their instincts to go to the gym. Many people do this by thinking about how good they feel after exercising. By using scent in your gym, you make this memory much stronger. Memories linked to a specific scent are up to 6,5 times stronger than otherwise! By adding a specific scent people remember the positive feelings of exercising much stronger and people stop less often. Perhaps more importantly, people also come back to your gym. Research has shown many times that branding is a lot more effective when scents are involved. Thanks to scenting, people remember the good feeling of working out much stronger and associate it with your gym. They are more satisfied and come back more often. Scent marketing in fitness works!


What does scenting do against bad smells in my gym?

Scent marketing in a gym sounds nice, but sometimes you have other priorities. First of all we have to get rid of bad smells. In gyms, it sometimes smells really bad. Sweat and other body odours are often very present. Nobody likes this. It also creates the illusion of poor hygiene. The way it smells determines for the most part our perception of a space. This has to do with the strong connection between emotion and smell. Even if you keep your fitness centre clean, if it smells bad people will think it is a dirty place. By using scenting in the fitness area you are eliminating bad smells and improving people’s memories.


Scenting fitness


Which scents should I have?

There is no one scent that is best in all situations. To create a hygienic environment, fruity, fresh scents are best. So a lime scent in a dressing room is a good choice. In the main auditorium, you would rather have a more activating scent. For example, a study has shown that the smell of peppermint helps with sports. The smell of peppermint does not magically make people stronger, but they do feel that the exercises are easier. They also feel that exercising takes less time and they are less frustrated when something doesn’t work out. By using scent diffusion in your fitness area you determine how it smells per room.


How do I use scenting in the gym?

There are many ways to use scenting in your gym. A scented candle or a stick are already methods to make it smell better. However, for a professional environment this is not enough. Then a good scenting machine is needed. These are devices that work with ethereal scent oils. A scenting machine puts these oils into the air in a cold mist. As a result, they spread very evenly across the room. This way you benefit from the scent experience in your fitness facility everywhere. This also prevents you from having to use more oil to reach the other side of the room. This way your oil lasts longer.

All advantages in a row:

  • Break down bad smells
  • Add a fresh scent, so you come across as more hygienic
  • Make people exercise harder
  • People find exercising more fun
  • Reinforce the brand of your fitness, people come back more often


What equipment do I need?

Not every scenting device is suitable for every gym. For the larger spaces within a gym the Scent Experience is the standard for good scenting. It has a range of 100 to 800 square metres. Nor can it be limited to just one scent. With its options for extensive scent planning, you set exactly when, and how strong, you want which scent. To get rid of bad smells in changing rooms or other small spaces, the Superscent is very suitable. This device breaks down odours at a molecular level. This makes it smell fresh and fruity again. Diffusion of odours in fitness has many options!


Do you need advice or more information?

Do you have questions about scent marketing? Or are you convinced and would you like some free advice on what scent marketing can do for your shop? Discover the possibilities on our product page or call us on +31 20 646 4028.

Air pollution and children, explanation and risks

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Air pollution and children, explanations and risks

Everyone believes that children should grow up healthy. It is therefore logical that people are concerned about air pollution in children. After all, this has consequences for their physical, mental and social development. With the child’s respiratory system at the forefront. Our sons and daughters are much more sensitive to polluted air than adults. Naturally, you want to avoid lung disease in your child at all costs. Even before birth, air quality matters. We delve into the science to find out what the exact impact of clean air is. We make a clear explanation about air pollution and children. And can air purification help children?


Air pollution and children, is it more harmful?

Air pollution is harmful to everyone. After all, you breathe it all day long. Yet children are extra sensitive. This has several causes. For one thing, children are still developing. As a result, their defences against pollution are not yet as effective as those of adults. Air pollution in children therefore causes more damage. This development comes with another problem. Air pollution not only damages the cells that are already there, but also the growth process. The body uses many chemical signals to control growth. Air pollution disturbs this process. As a result, the lungs do not develop as well as they should and this causes persistent problems years later. In some cases, air purification can help children.

In addition to these causes, there is another important point that makes children especially sensitive to air pollution: They simply use more air! Children are growing fast and this takes a lot of energy. As a result, they need more oxygen than adults. The lifestyle of children is also much more active. They play outside more often, run around with friends or let off steam on the trampoline. As a result, children are physically active for more than 2 hours a day on average, compared to only 24 minutes for adults. Because of these two reasons, children breathe relatively a lot more. The same air pollution is therefore considerably more harmful for children than for an adult. Lung disease in your child is then suddenly more likely.


air purification children


Development of the lungs

It will come as no surprise that the various forms of air pollution hit the lungs hardest. After all, this is where it lands first. This increases your child’s chances of developing lung disease. Especially long-term exposure has been shown to reduce the growth of lung capacity. Damage to a child’s lungs not only reduces its current lung capacity. Air pollution in children also affects the ability of the lungs to grow. Short-term exposure soon has negative effects. That is why air cleaning for children can offer a solution. Children who grow up in a high-pollution environment are also more likely to develop asthma. Air pollution in children also causes them to suffer more from asthma.


Mental development

Air pollution in children is not only bad for the lungs. It is also harmful to the development of the brain. For example, research has been carried out into the impact of pollution on schoolchildren. This shows that the annual growth in cognitive skills is no less than 50% higher if the air is not polluted! Children’s intelligence and attention span also decrease when there is a lot of air pollution. Now, it is not the case that a child’s development is immediately halted if he or she is exposed to a polluted environment. But long-term exposure does have an impact. One way of minimising this impact is to use air purification.


Explanation: Does air pollution in children cause autism?

Autism is a complex disorder of which we do not know the exact cause. Yet it is quite possible that air pollution plays a role. Several studies seem to find a correlation between air pollution in children and the development of autism. In a recent review of various studies, scientists conclude that a link between the two is likely. Air pollution would have a particular effect during pregnancy and the child’s first year. However, these studies are still at the beginning. So it is still too early to draw any firm conclusions. However, the first signs point firmly in the wrong direction. How great these effects are and whether air pollution is equally harmful at each stage of development remain to be seen.


Why the severity of air pollution in children is increasing

Children’s days today look different than they used to. Although most children still find exercise and playing outside very fun and important, they are also spending more time behind a screen. Even before the corona period, children were spending 4 hours a day behind a screen. In the past three years, this has increased significantly. This means that children spend a lot more time indoors than they used to. It will not surprise most people that the indoor air is much more polluted than the outdoor air. This is because all the pollution from the outside air, such as fine dust, comes in through the open window or door. Indoor air pollution from cooking or the open fire is added to this. Keeping air pollution for children at home within limits is therefore essential. Air cleaning keeps the room clean for children.


How to stop air pollution in children, an explanation

With all these negative effects, it is logical that you want to protect your offspring with clean air. Air pollution can be prevented in various ways. Encouraging them to play outside more often and switching on the fireplace less often already helps. Yet it is unlikely that this is enough. Much air pollution comes from outside through traffic and industry. Indoors, too, it is not so easy to solve. Cooking causes the most pollution. And you don’t just stop doing that. So air pollution for children comes from many places. An air purifier helps to keep the air clean indoors. So:

  • Play more outside. Although there is also air pollution outside, it is already less than inside. So enjoy playing football!
  • Use the fireplace less. A nice wood-burning stove is always cosy and doesn’t need to go. But it is very bad for the air quality. So try to limit this.
  • Turn on the extractor fan when cooking. The most polluting indoor activity is cooking. Stopping it is not practical, but by always having the extractor on, you already remove a large proportion of fine dust.
  • Use an air cleaner. Perhaps the most important tip. With an air cleaner you actually remove pollution from the air. This is how you create a clean environment


An air cleaner, does it help?

An air cleaner removes pollution from the air through very fine filters. This leaves the pollution behind and the device blows clean air into the room. A nice air cleaner for the home is, for example, the EA30. With its large capacity and quiet operation, it is very suitable for living rooms and larger bedrooms. Its smaller brother, the EA15, is also very suitable for the smaller bedroom. This way, you keep air pollution and children separated!


Need advice or more information?

Do you want an air purifier for your home or do you want more information about what is possible? Then go to our product page or call us on +31 20 670 2567. for advice without obligation!

Air purification in the class. Is it effective?

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Air purification in the classroom. Is it effective?

For a sustainable resumption of activity in schools, it is essential that classrooms are free of all kinds of contaminants. Of course, this can be achieved by using proven hygiene systems, such as a classroom air purifier, to keep the air free from viruses. The coronavirus is a major challenge for teachers, cleaning staff and school directors. Even regular disinfection by spraying and wiping does not protect against this virus, which hardly spreads by contact and droplets, but mainly through the ambient air. Therefore, in order to protect pupils and teachers, proven measures must be taken to reliably reduce the risk of airborne contamination. Can a classroom air purifier effectively reduce the risk of covid-19 infection? In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about air purification in the classroom. As well as the studies that support it and what to look out for when choosing an air purifier for the classroom.


Air purification against viruses for safer school activities

Face-to-face classes involve proximity between people, spontaneous reactions through gestures, behaviour, questions and answers. So teachers cannot do without direct contact if they want to do their pedagogical work.

However, such direct contact always entails the risk of contracting an airborne infectious disease. In the most innocent case: influenza, in times of coronavirus: Covid-19. Therefore, in addition to the usual hygiene measures, it is advisable to keep the ambient air and the breathing zone as clean and free from bacteria and viruses as possible. To protect the teachers, but also the pupils. This will prevent absenteeism and the spread of contagious diseases. The question is whether an air cleaner in the classroom is the best option for keeping the air in the classroom free from viruses.


Clean air in classrooms protects teachers and pupils

Viruses and bacteria are an invisible danger in every classroom. Pathogens can survive in the ambient air for several hours, during which time they pose a potential health risk each time they are inhaled. For example, current studies show that the coronavirus survives in the air for several hours and during that time it also retains its infectious capacity.

It is important to note that the virus enters the room air through aerosols emitted during breathing and talking. The viruses attach themselves to these small particles and form virulent aerosols that, due to their light weight, float in the air and are inadvertently inhaled by other people in the classroom, such as other students and teachers. Opening windows is not an effective measure for eliminating these aerosols. Therefore, many experts wonder whether air cleaning in the classroom can be an effective measure.


air purification in class


Strategies to prevent infection in the classroom

Reducing class size has been a basic part of the hygiene strategy in many countries. But no matter how small the groups are, the virus continues to spread. And the use of face masks only provides limited protection against the direct “viral rain” of saliva emitted when talking. Unfortunately, these measures have not proved effective against the aerosols containing germs that are released into the ambient air through breathing and talking and that remain floating freely as an aerosol cloud for several hours.

Just by talking loudly, every person emits thousands of aerosols into the air every minute. Singing in a group releases even more. Masks are an important first step in reducing the risk of direct drop transmission of the coronavirus. However, this measure alone does not protect against a much greater risk of transmission: free-floating aerosol clouds in the ambient air.


Aerosols and coronavirus

Such aerosol clouds overcome even the physical barriers formed by a saliva screen or partitions, so that aerosol particles always find their way to the respiratory tract and the eyes. The long floatation period of aerosols also reveals another problem. Since aerosols spread through the air current, the air mixes in a room every time the door opens and closes.

Only a comprehensive solution, synchronised with other hygiene measures and additional air purification, can reliably and sustainably reduce the risk of infection. Especially since, according to TU/E, cleaning the air in classrooms can reduce the risk of infection with the coronavirus by up to 12 times. Therefore, do not rely solely on spatial separation, masks or more frequent hand washing than usual to prevent infection in classrooms. Airborne aerosols are a health risk that can only be avoided by cleaning the air in the classroom.


air purification in class


The proven effectiveness of air purification in the classroom

Keeping the air in the room free from germs and viruses minimises the risk of airborne infection. Studies have shown that air purifiers for classrooms effectively and quickly reduce the residence time and intensity of aerosol clouds and airborne particles in closed rooms. This creates schools with a very low risk of infection for pupils and teaching staff.

But not every air purifier is equally effective. Essential are:

  • Powerful air purifiers. Their power ensures that they can consistently and effectively clean all the air in the classroom.
  • Air purifiers with HEPA filter and UVC system. This enables the air purifier to remove not only air pollutants such as fine dust, but also viruses and bacteria.
  • Quiet air purifiers. Since it is a classroom, you also need to consider the noise they generate so that it does not disturb.
  • No ozone emissions. Ozone is very harmful to health, especially for children.


The best air cleaner against bacteria and viruses in the classroom

The UV-C air purifier EDC650 is the solution against virus particles and bacteria in the classroom. Thanks to the UV-C lamps and HEPA filters, you can effectively repel micro-organisms (such as viruses) with this professional air cleaner. Moreover, the EDC650 UV-C uses unique and patented circulation and filtration techniques: reverse air circulation combined with air displacement. According to TNO, this method of air purification removes airborne contaminants up to 30% more effectively than ordinary air purifiers. Not only is it a model approved by the FPS, but it is also on the list of air purification products in Belgium that have been checked and approved against the coronavirus.

Moreover, the EDC650 UV-C is quiet in operation. Depending on the air speed, the decibel level ranges from a pleasant 27 to 49 dB. This is comparable to a quiet classroom or living room. Thanks to its high capacity and quiet operation, the EDC650 UV-C is ideal for the classroom, both in schools and in higher education.


luchtreiniging in de klas

Need advice or more information?

Check out our product page with all air purifiers or read more about the air purifier in our extensive advice. Do you have any further questions or would you like advice without obligation? Call +31 20 646 4028. Or go directly to our range of air purifiers:

Hepa filter or also a carbon filter in your air purifier?

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Hepa filter or also a carbon filter in your air purifier. What is wisdom?

There are various ways of purifying the air. A Hepa filter is currently the most used and effective way. An air cleaner with a carbon filter is also a frequently used method. But how do these filters work and how do they differ from each other? In this blog we will tell you in which situations it is best to use which filter. This way, you will know whether a Hepa filter or also a carbon filter suits your air purifier.


Why is a hepa filter useful?

The most commonly used filter in air cleaning is the hepa filter. This is the filter that is used to filter air pollution, such as fine dust and viruses, out of the air. Carbon filter air purifiers almost always contain a hepa filter as well. A hepa filter works in a slightly different way than most filters. Most filters are actually just a sieve. The air passes through the sieve. Does a particle not fit through the sieve? Then the filter will catch it. The finer the filter, the more particles you remove from the air. However, this also has a disadvantage. If the filter is finer, less air will fit through it. As a result, you will either filter less air or you will have to use a heavier engine. Neither of these are attractive options. The Hepa filter has found a solution for this.


How does a Hepa filter work?

Every good air cleaner, carbon filter or no carbon filter, needs a Hepa filter. A hepa filter works with different layers of fibres. These are actually long threads. By placing these over each other in a random manner, small holes are created. These filter the air. The special thing about a hepa filter is that it filters particles that are smaller than the holes in the filter. A hepa filter works by two different methods. The barrier effect is the simplest. The holes between the fibres are simply too small for some particles and therefore they get stuck. This is in fact normal filtration. The second effect is called the inertia effect. Because the fibres are laid on top of each other in a random manner, the air has to make many bends and twists. Particles that fit through the holes but do not make all the turns fast enough therefore collide with the fibres and remain stuck to them. In this way, a hepa filter with a small motor already has a lot of capacity and still filters the small particles and viruses out of the air. After a while the filter gets clogged by all the filtered particles. Therefore, it is recommended to replace a hepa filter between six months and one year.


carbon filter air purifier


Different levels of hepa filter

The name HEPA is a protected name. This means that a filter has to meet certain standards in order to call itself a HEPA filter. In Europe there are two categories of HEPA filters: H13 and H14. An H13 filter must remove at least 99.95% of the particles smaller than 0.3 micrometre. For comparison, that is more than 50 times smaller than a hair! If the filter’s performance rises above 99.99%, it may call itself H14. Is the filter so fine that it removes more than 99.9995% of the dirt? Then it is an Ultra Low Particulate Air (ULPA) filter. For most situations, this difference hardly matters anymore. Especially cleanrooms in hospitals and laboratories use ULPA filters. Again, the finer the filter, the less air will fit through it. Carbon filters for air cleaners do not have these qualifications. They work in a different way.


What about Active Ion Hepa filters?

Sometimes you also have the option of AIH filters. This is a sub-type of Hepa filters. They are also called Active Ion Hepa filters. These filters focus less on the barrier effect and more on the inertia effect. This filter works with ionised fibre threads. Because of this, they attract more air pollution. You therefore need fewer small holes to achieve the same level of filtration. This makes air cleaners with AIH filters more powerful and more economical.


Carbon filter air purifier

If a Hepa filter works so well, why do you need an air purifier with a carbon filter? The answer is that carbon filter air purifiers and hepa filters are suitable for other things. With hepa filters you remove air pollution. These are particles that we inhale and cause various health problems. But there is another class of air pollution, and a hepa filter does nothing about it. These are gases and odours. A normal filter that works like a sieve does not stop gases, however small they may be. Still, certain gases are very annoying or harmful and some are even poisonous. Ozone is a good example of this. Foul odours are also never pleasant. With a carbon filter, an air purifier does stop odours and gases. This way, you keep your indoor climate comfortable and healthy. However, you should never use a carbon filter on its own. Air pollution such as fine dust is not stopped by a carbon filter.


carbon filter air purifier


How does an air cleaner with carbon filter work?

A carbon filter in an air purifier does not work with ordinary filtration. This type of filter works by adsorption. This is different from absorption! In this case a liquid absorbs another liquid. Think for example of mixing lemonade syrup with water. Adsorption is the process whereby gases and other small organic substances bind themselves chemically to the carbon. In this way, they disappear from the air. Many filters advertise themselves as so-called “active carbon”. This means that the carbon is processed into very small particles. Because of this the carbon has a much larger surface than normal carbon. One gram of activated carbon covers up to 3000 metres of surface! This is important, because with more surface area the carbon binds more polluting gases. This makes it more effective and longer lasting. After a while, however, the carbon becomes saturated and is used up against gases and odours. To maintain a high level of effectiveness, it is therefore important to replace the carbon filter in the air purifier every year.


I already have a filter in my ventilation system, is that a hepa filter?

Many ventilation systems also use filters. However, these are rarely hepa filters. This is because air purification and ventilation have two different goals. With air purification you want to clean the air. Fine-meshed hepa filters are essential for this. Ventilation aims to supply outside air and remove inside air as much as possible. Fine-meshed filters work against this. After all, the finer the mesh of the filters, the more energy it takes to work air through the ventilation system. This is why coarse filters are the norm in ventilation systems. A combination of ventilation and air cleaning therefore works best. You combine the fresh air of a ventilation system with the circulation of an air cleaner that further purifies the air with its Hepa filter and/or carbon filter. You can refine the circulation of an air cleaner to such an extent that the entire indoor air is reached. This way, you ensure that all nooks and crannies in your office or living room have clean air.


What about ionisation?

Many air purifiers nowadays offer the option of adding ionisation. This makes the filtering process more effective than with just a hepa filter and kills viruses and bacteria faster. Unfortunately, most ionisers also release ozone. This is a toxic gas that has its own health problems. A carbon filter in the air cleaner removes the ozone again. Some air cleaners use ionisation before the filter. This method creates hardly any ozone and is therefore a good alternative. You can read more about ionisation and ozone in this blog.


Need advice or more information?

Which filters you need naturally depends on your situation. Do you live in a busy city next to a motorway? Then good hepa filters are essential. Are you in an office where a lot of printing takes place? Then carbon filters are a good addition. Do you already know which filters you need? Then visit our product page. Do you still need tailor-made advice? Call us at +31 (0)20 646 4028 for personal advice without commitment!

Ambient scenting | Handling odours in healthcare

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Ambient scenting in healthcare | handling bad smells

Scent marketing in the healthcare sector seems contradictory. After all, scent marketing is not one of the main tasks in a hospital. Yet it is very useful because of the bad smells that often hang around in nursing homes or hospitals. Thanks to the deep link between what we smell and how we feel, olfactory perception in healthcare has many applications. Hospital scenting makes the care facility a nicer place for patients and staff, . Keep reading to find out how to best use scenting in your care facility and for what purposes.


Why is scenting useful in healthcare?

There are always a lot of scents in healthcare. No matter how much you keep cleaning you can’t escape sweat, industrial cleaning products or incontinence odours. This, of course, is not pleasant for anyone. Especially if you have to work in it every day, it’s unpleasant. For patients, it can make the experience in your institution unnecessarily unpleasant or stressful. A better experience of smells in healthcare is therefore desirable. Ideally, you would like to get rid of these bad odours and replace them with ambient scents that people like. With an efficient odour control in healthcare this is possible. The reason why odours affect us so much is deeply connected to our brain.


How does smell work in our brain?

Our sense of smell is actually different from all our other senses. During the day we are much more aware of what we see and hear. Yet smells have a much greater impact on our emotions and our peace of mind. This is because of where our brains process smells. Because smell is the first sense to have evolved, it lies deep within our brains, near the place where emotions are regulated. Therefore, the connections between smell and emotions are very strong. Research has shown that what we smell determines 75% of our emotions. If something smells bad, we immediately feel uncomfortable. If we hear bad music, we don’t! In this way, the scent experience in health care can have a great influence.


Ambient scenting in healthcare


What does scenting do in healthcare?

Scent marketing often emphasises the commercial benefits. It is said to increase the turnover and the number of impulse purchases. You might think that it makes little sense for a hospital. After all, there are few people who buy a heart transplant on impulse! However, scenting has considerable advantages in the care sector. You get rid of bad smells and you spread nice fragrances through the rooms. So you have a double advantage! That is why healthcare scenting offers concrete advantages for the staff and the patients.


What do patients gain from healthcare scenting?

The biggest benefit of hospital scenting for patients is the influence of scent on emotions. When there are bad smells in for instance a nursing home, it is very uncomfortable for patients. Even neutral smells such as cleaning products sometimes evoke bad emotions. This is because people associate these smells with negative memories, such as an operation in a hospital. In contrast, it has been shown that positive smells make a stay in a hospital a lot more pleasant.

Patients feel less anxious about an operation if there is a pleasant smell. For example, the scents of jasmine and citrus make us feel more relaxed and happy. Fragrances also influence how patients experience pain. With a pleasant smell, people experience pain as less bad and less intense, with a bad smell this is the other way around. With scenting in healthcare you get rid of bad smells and you can spread fine smells throughout the room.


And how does ambient scenting affect healthcare staff?

For the staff it is of course also much nicer to work in an environment that smells good. This is not the case in every nursing home. Because of the strong link with emotions, an environment with nice fragrances leads to more job satisfaction and a lower outflow. In a sector where the workload is high, every little bit of extra relaxation and job satisfaction is of course very welcome. Ambient scenting in the healthcare sector also has the effect of making people more effective in their work. Certain smells reduce stress, increase concentration or cognitive function. Ambient scenting in health care has many advantages.


Advantages of scenting in healthcare

  • Removes bad odours. In hospitals and nursing homes there are often bad smells.
  • Patients are more at ease. Scent diffusion makes patients less anxious and more relaxed. This makes their stay more pleasant.
  • Greater job satisfaction. Staff who do not have to work in bad odours enjoy more their work.
  • Improve the focus of your staff. Certain odours can improve the concentration and activity of your staff.
  • Reduces stress. Patients and staff are less stressed in an environment with good fragrance.


Odour neutralization or scent diffusion?

Scenting in healthcare comes in roughly two variations. Odour neutralization and scent diffusion. With odour neutralization we mean the devices that make bad odours like sweat and incontinence disappear. This happens by breaking down the odour molecules on a molecular level. The result is a neutral odour. Scent diffusers go one step further. These devices add an odour to a room. With a professional scent diffuser you set exactly when you want which smell. It also ensures that the scent lingers in the room and does not disappear. This is done with ethereal scent oils.


Ambient scenting in healthcare


Which scent device do I need?

If you want to get rid of bad smells, the Superscent is the best choice. This powerful device is suitable for rooms up to 210 square metres. By using the Superscent to actually break down bad smells, you are not masking the bad odour, but actually getting rid of it. Odour control at its best! This keeps the environment comfortable for patients and staff. If you want to experience smells, the Scent Experience is a very suitable choice. With this, you spread the scent you want, when you want it. This powerhouse among the scent machines has several variants with which it is suitable for up to 800m2. With our Scent Experience you create a nicer environment for the patients and your staff.


Need advice or more information?

Do you have questions about scenting in healthcare? Or do you need personal advice on what scenting can do for you? Explore the possibilities on our product page or call us at +31 20 646 4028.

Enhance your shop with scent marketing

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Enhance your shop with scent marketing

As a retailer you are busy making the customer experience as pleasant as possible. Yet scent marketing in retail is often ignored. You design the shop perfectly and choose the right music. But what we smell has the biggest impact on how we feel and behave. So to make your shop stand out from the competition, good scent marketing is essential. How to use scent marketing in your shop and for what purposes you can use it read here.


Scent in the brain

Our environment largely determines how we feel and behave. When we hear a nice song or see a beautiful painting we feel more cheerful. Although we are often less aware of what we smell, it has a much greater effect. This has to do with where our brain processes odours. This happens right next to our so-called “emotion centre“. Therefore the connections between emotions and smells are strong. When we smell something, our brain immediately sends signals to our emotion centre. Scents therefore have a strong influence on how we feel. Think about how you feel when you smell the fragrance of a fresh forest in a garden centre. Scent marketing in a shop should not be underestimated!


What effects does scent marketing have in my shop?

Scenting has all kinds of concrete effects. Customers find shops more pleasant when there is a pleasant fragrance. They also judge the products offered as better with a nice fragrance. Another important effect has to do with memory. People remember things better when an emotion is linked to them. Because odours have such a strong influence on emotions, memories are also strengthened. A pleasant smell creates a positive association with your shop or showroom and people remember your brand better. With scent marketing in retail, people come back to your shop more often. This increases customer loyalty.


scentmarketing shop


Does scent marketing increase the turnover of my shop?

Besides the fact that people experience the environment as a lot nicer, scent marketing in a shop also has commercial applications. Several studies have investigated the effects of olfactory marketing in retail. It appeared that the number of impulse purchases increases with almost a third. People also stay longer in shops with a strong pleasant fragrance. At the same time this time feels shorter: people underestimate how long they have been in a shop with scent marketing! This actually results in a higher turnover, estimated on average 14% more.


Does shop scent marketing also have an impact on my staff?

Customers are not the only ones who benefit from a nice fragrance, your employees do too. After all they work all day in for example your clothing shop. Different smells can also be used to make your staff more productive. When there is an uplifting smell such as coffee in the room the cognitive skills of people improve. Some fragrances also help to reduce stress and increase concentration. When people work in an environment that smells good, they are also more ambitious and work more efficiently. In addition, all the previously mentioned benefits about emotions also apply of course. A pleasant smell makes your employees happier and they work with more pleasure. So scent marketing does a lot for your shop.


The five advantages of retail scent marketing at a glance:

  • Create a nicer environment for your customers and staff
  • Increase sales through more impulse purchases
  • Keep your customers coming back more often through stronger associations with your brand
  • Increase the concentration of your staff
  • Create more fun at work!


Which fragrance should I use?

Different fragrances have different effects on people. Some of it is personal. If you have a good memory with a specific fragrance, you will like that fragrance more than someone who does not have that memory. However, there are some general trends. Lavender provides better concentration and people work longer productively. A citrus scent is related to harder physical work and faster reaction time. For cognitive tasks, stimulating fragrances such as coffee are very suitable. The effects on customers do not have much to do with which scents are used. It is especially important that the customers experience the fragrance as pleasant.


How do I use scent marketing in my shop?

There are many ways to use scent marketing in a shop. Basically it is nothing more than spreading specific fragrances through your shop. Candles, sprays or scented sticks all have an effect. However, the best method is a scent appliance. A good fragrance appliance spreads the scent in a very constant way through the space. This is due to the cold mist method with which it works. The appliance converts liquid essential oil to a cold mist. As a result, it does not sink to the ground but spreads throughout the room. This way, you make sure that all the nooks and crannies in your shop have the scent you want.


Scent marketing shop


Which fragrance machine should I have?

For larger shops, the Scent experience is the best choice. This appliance is suitable for spaces between 100 and 800 square metres. So not only is it very powerful, the possibilities are also very diverse. Thanks to its many possible settings, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one scent. You can create your own scent plan to achieve your goals. If you want to do scent marketing, but you have a smaller shop, choose the Smartscent. This is a smaller version with a range of up to 100m2, but does offer all the benefits of retail scent marketing.


Do you need advice or more information?

Do you have questions about scent marketing? Or are you convinced and would you like some free advice on what scent marketing can do for your shop? Discover the possibilities on our product page or call us on +31 20 646 4028.

Scent marketing wellness, why?

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Scent marketing wellness, why?

The number of people going to a wellness centre to relax is increasing rapidly. Scent marketing helps your wellness resort to distinguish itself and to make the experience unforgettable for your guests. This has to do with the special connection between scent, emotion and memories. It helps people relax, makes them happier and helps them remember your centre. We explain the effects of scent marketing in wellness and how to use it to achieve your goals.


What effects does wellness have on people?

Many people go to a wellness centre to relax. A day of relaxation. This relaxation also has significant health effects. For instance, it has been researched that people who come out of a wellness centre have a significantly lower cortisol level than when they enter the resort. This means that people experience less stress when they go to a wellness centre. Also, according to a Japanese study, a spa day makes people feel happier. Naturally, you want to maximise these benefits. Scent marketing in your wellness centre can help you take these effects to a higher level.



Scent marketing wellness



Why is wellness necessary?

Everyone has experienced stress. Before an important meeting at work, a sports competition or an exam. This does not have to be a bad thing at all! Stress gives us a push and helps us to perform optimally. We call this acute stress. However, if the stress moments follow each other constantly and we have too little rest, chronic stress arises. Unfortunately, this is becoming increasingly common nowadays and has negative health effects such as poor sleep, headaches and anxiety. To counteract this, relaxation is very important. Unfortunately, this is becoming increasingly difficult in our modern society. We can be reached 24 hours a day, receive stimuli from social media or quickly watch a series on the train. That is why you often get new ideas in the shower, as you have nothing to do. As a wellness centre, you play an important role in helping people relax. Scent marketing goes hand in hand with wellness.


Why scent marketing in my wellness centre?

What we smell always seems to pass us by. We are much more aware of what we see and what we hear. That is why many people think that scent marketing does not add much to wellness. Nevertheless, our sense of smell is perhaps our most important sense. It is probably the first sense to have evolved and is located in our brains right next to the part that processes emotions. Hence, it has the greatest impact on how we feel and behave. Think about how you feel when you walk past the fresh bread section in the supermarket. So, if you want people to relax in your wellness resort, you’d better take scent marketing seriously!


Do people return more often to a wellness centre with scent marketing?

The short answer is yes. Smells have a much stronger impact on our memories and emotions than our other senses. So, if your wellness centre smells good, this has a greater impact on how people experience it than what it looks like or what music is playing. If you spread a distinctive fragrance, people will also associate this fragrance with their enjoyable day at your centre. Every time they smell that fragrance, they think of the wellness centre. It also works the other way round. If it smells bad, maybe due to sweat or other body odours, people will not like to come back to your spa, no matter how nice the rest of the day was. Scent marketing is therefore an essential part of your wellness centre.


Which scents are most effective?

There is no single scent that is best in all areas of the spa. It all depends on what you want to use scent marketing for in your wellness centre. It has been proven that the scent of lavender makes people feel fresher and more relaxed. The scent of lemon has completely different effects. It stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin enormously. These two substances make us feel more content and happy and less anxious. So, there are several things to achieve with scent marketing your wellness resort! It is even possible to influence the buying behaviour of people in, for instance, your restaurant.


  • Let your guests relax
  • Your wellness centre will be better remembered.
  • Your guests feel more satisfied and happy
  • Associate your resort with positive emotions
  • Remove bad body odours effectively.


How does scent marketing work?

Professional scent marketing in wellness works with the help of a scent diffuser. These are machines specially designed to bring fragrant essential oils into the air for us to smell. This is done with the cold mist technique. Because the machine puts the scent into the air as a mist, it does not sink to the ground but spreads itself through the air. This way, the scent stays longer and you are more economical with your oil!


Scent marketing wellness


What scenting machines are there?

Scent marketing in the wellness area comes in many shapes and sizes. For the larger spaces, like the lounge and the restaurant, there is for example the Scent Experience. This machine is perfectly suitable for spaces between 100m2 and 800m2. This device also has many setting possibilities. Because of this, you are not limited to a single scent, but you have the possibility to compose a real scent plan.


For the smaller spaces, think of salt baths or saunas, the Scent Experience is not necessary. Here we recommend the Smartscent. This device is suitable for spaces up to 100m2 and spreads a consistent fragrance. So you don’t have to worry that the fragrance will diminish. Your guests will continue to enjoy it.


Do you need advice or more information?

Do you have questions about scent marketing? Or are you convinced and would you like some free advice about what scent marketing can do for your wellness organisation? Discover the possibilities on our product page or call us on +31 20 646 4028.