Fine dust and the Working Conditions Act, what do you need to know?

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Ultra fine dust and the Working Conditions Act, what do you need to know?

In the workplace, ultra fine dust is very harmful and even deadly in the long run. Therefore , the problem requires a strict ultra-fine dust occupational health and safety law. The working conditions provide clear guidelines for a healthy working environment. The Dutch Lung Fund (Longfonds) has been warning people for years about the dangers of ultra-fine dust. The risks are particularly high in densely populated areas such as the Randstad and Schiphol. Read on for more information about the health and safety regulations for ultrafine dust. What can we expect in 2020 and the future?

The current status of the ultra fine dust health and safety regulations

We have to conclude that there are still no health and safety regulations for ultra fine dust. The government has not taken any concrete step yet to frame this problem. RIVM, on the other hand, is working intensively on it, see also the ultrafine dust research at Schiphol. However, the ultra-fine dust research results are not expected until 2021. For the time being, entrepreneurs must therefore determine their own ultra-fine dust standards on the basis of their own knowledge and experience.

Although there is not yet an occupational health and safety law for ultrafine dust, you can say that any form of ultrafine dust, caused by production processes and transport, is undesirable in the ambient air. Long-term exposure to dangerous ultra-fine dust, in the workplace in particular, creates many health risks.

Which complaints arise with long-term exposure to ultra-fine dust?

Ultra-fine dust is the cause of various health complaints. Risk groups such as the elderly, children with asthma and people with allergies are particularly vulnerable. The following complaints have been scientifically proven:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Lung complaints
  • Heart complaints

The following diseases have not yet been scientifically proven, but are related to ultra-fine dust:

  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia

Fine dust regulations in 2020, what can we expect in the future?

More and more people and authorities are aware of how dangerous ultrafine dust is. In the first place, this can be derived from the investigations that are ongoing at the RIVM. And secondly, from the recent incentive from the Dutch Cabinet to draw up standards for ultra-fine dust. The government is expected to quickly draw up an ultra-fine dust health and safety standard. Especially because the regulations for PM2.5 emissions have been tightened considerably from 2020 onwards. From 1 January 2020, an annual limit value of 20 µg / m3 will apply.

Need advice or more information?

According to the Dutch Lung Fund (Longfonds), the air quality in 1 in 7 buildings is insufficient due to fine dust. By measuring fine dust levels you gain insight into the air quality of your environment. You also determine the effectiveness of your air purifier. Take a look at our product page about the fine dust meter or read more about the fine dust meter in our extensive advice. Do you have any further questions or would you like some free personal advice? Call +31 20 6464028 or go directly to our range of fine dust meters:

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