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Fine dust map of Europe and the Netherlands
The fine dust map shows you where in the world this form of pollution occurs most. Long-term exposure to fine dust is potentially deadly. Even in low concentrations there is a great health risk. In this blog, we’ll give you the current status of fine dust in Europe and fine dust in the Netherlands. With the help of a fine dust map, the density per place is displayed and evaluated. Where is this form of air pollution most common?
Fine dust map Europe
As an annual limit value, the European standard for fine dust PM2.5 is about 25 micrograms per cubic meter of air. But the standard set by the WHO is only 10 micrograms per cubic meter. According to researchers at Utrecht University, a large part of the European population is exposed to this high concentration. A group of researchers from 13 European countries reached this conclusion after studying 22 existing studies. The researchers are concerned that the risk of premature death also remains above the European standard.
The image below shows the concentration of fine dust in Europe. The fine dust map of Europe shows that the concentration in Western Europe is one of the highest on the continent. This can be explained by the fact that many combustion processes take place in this area. Especially in traffic and industry. The fine dust map also shows that Scandinavia relatively scores the best in terms of air quality.

The fine dust map of Europe shows that the areas in red and orange are the most exposed.
Fine dust map of the Netherlands
What about fine dust in the Netherlands in 2019? The fine dust map of the Netherlands shows that the highest concentration occurs around the Randstad and North Brabant. The causes of this are busy highways, large-scale industries and a high population density. In addition, the presence of airports (such as Schiphol) and shipping ports also increase the amount of fine dust in the air.
The research shows that the risk of a person dying from fine dust increases 7 percent per increase of 5 mcg / m3. “That is the difference between a busy street in the city and a place without the influence of traffic,” says researcher Rob Beelen in the NOS news.
Do you live in the Randstad, North Brabant or close to a busy highway? Then there is a chance that you live in an area with a lot of air pollution. A solution for this is to use an air purifier. For more information and advice you can consult the fine dust air purifier page.
The fine dust map below (source: RIVM) clearly shows which areas in the Netherlands are most polluted.

Fine dust map of the Netherlands: do you want to live somewhere with little air pollution? In that case the best place to be is the Wadden Islands.
Fine dust in the largest Dutch cities
What about pollution in large cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam? In Amsterdam air pollution is still a major problem. The main causes of this are road traffic and the proximity of Schiphol. Rotterdam and The Hague are also affected by air pollution, mainly due to the industry. According to RIVM researcher Paul Fischer, air pollution is not only a major problem in the large cities, but throughout the Netherlands. “In the Netherlands we are dealing with a so-called blanket of air pollution. Especially when it comes to fine dust.”
The question is: how can we improve the air quality in the Netherlands? The Health Council advocates a thorough approach to diesel vehicles and ammonia emissions from livestock farming. According to the Health Council, these measures yield the most health benefits for the entire Dutch population.
Would you like to measure the fine dust concentration in your surroundings yourself?
According to the Dutch Lung fund (Longfonds), the air quality in 1 in 7 houses is insufficient due to fine dust. By measuring fine dust you gain insight into the air quality of your environment. You can also determine the effectiveness of your air purifier. Take a look at our product page about the fine dust meter or read more about the fine dust meter in our extensive advice. Do you have any further questions or would you like some free personal advice? Call +31 20 6464028 or go directly to our range of fine dust meters: