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Quick to: measure fine dust levels yourself
Fine dust at home, is it dangerous and how do you get rid of it?
A high concentration of fine dust in the house can often be prevented and it can also be taken out of the air when it is already there. How can you reduce the level of fine dust in your home? And from what concentration is it harmful? We are happy to tell you more about it.
In the Netherlands, 1 in 7 houses suffer from a fine dust concentration that is too high. This has emerged from research by the Dutch Lung Fund (Longfonds). Fine dust may not be visible to the naked eye, but it‘s harmful. Protecting your home against these dust particles is therefore very important.
Where does fine dust come from?
‘Almost 80% of the amount of fine dust in the air is the result of human actions.’ is what the RIVM says. The presence of fine dust in the house is mainly due to combustion processes. Think of heating a wood stove, fireplace or pallet stove. The air that arises during cooking and frying is also an important source of fine dust. Especially when roasting meat and stir-frying vegetables. Finally, smoking cigarettes and burning candles at home also causes fine dust problems.
How much fine dust at home is harmful to your health?
The more fine dust is present in the air, the worse the health problems are. In the Netherlands, fine dust is responsible for about 4 percent of the entire burden of disease in the Netherlands. Well-known health complaints caused by fine dust include a reduction in lung condition, worsening of lung complaints (wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath) and inflammation in the lungs. People who are particularly at risk of these symptoms are:
- People with asthma or other lung diseases (read more about air purifiers for asthma)
- People with cardiovascular disease
- Elderly
- Children
Is it possible to prevent fine dust at home?
The fine dust in your house is created automatically in many daily tasks, for example, by roasting a tasty piece of meat. This is why you can never completely remove fine dust in your home. What you can do is limit the sources of fine dust as much as possible. For example, by making your home smoke-free. Do you have a fireplace, pellet stove or wood stove? Then it is wise not to use it that often. Finally, always turn on the extractor hood when you cook or invest in a good extractor hood. This way you can be sure that you limit the fine dust emissions during cooking.
How do you get fine dust out of your house?
You naturally want to reduce fine dust if you find it in your house. An air purifier offers a solution. This unit has the task of extracting polluted air from the air present. An air purifier has the ability to remove fine dust in a quick and effective way from your home. The air purifier EA15, for example, has a fine dust filter effectiveness of 99.98%. In short, an air purifier is an excellent investment if you want to remove fine dust from your home.
Need advice or more information?
By measuring fine dust in your home, you gain insight into the air quality of your environment. You also determine the effectiveness of your air purifier. Take a look at our product page about the fine dust meter or read more about the fine dust meter in our extensive advice. Do you have any further questions or would you like some free personal advice? Call +31 20 6464028 or go directly to our range of fine dust meters: